“To be a light to open blind eyes. To bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house.” Isaiah 42:7
Our Mission
Bring the full Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners; leading to salvation, teaching them how to live in Christian community, and, upon release, leading them from prison to the Christian community in society.
Serving men, women, and families affected by incarceration since 1992.
“Church At Prison saved my life.
I was in pain and constant turmoil over an accident in my life and now I am filled with the Joy of the Holy Spirit! I am always happy, thankful and grateful to them for giving me back my life...” Tom

Present the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Preach, Teach, and Demonstrate the Word of God (Holy Bible).
Teach inmates to live in a Christian community, using Biblical principles.
Equip inmates for the work of the Ministry (building up the Body of Christ).
Assist Christian inmates, and families, in connecting with churches and support groups when transitioning back into society.
Mentor and Disciple throughout their lives as needed and directed by the Holy Spirit of the Living God.
Our Method: Planting Seeds of Hope
Help develop Prison Churches providing Pastors, Worship Services, Bible Studies, Pastoral Counseling, Christian Education, Christian Literature, and Special Events.
*In March of 2020, the onset of Covid-19, VT prisons closed to outside groups until April, 2022. During shut-down, Pastor Josh Riggs made weekly DVDs with worship music, sermons and teaching messages that were sent to all VT prisons. We are slowly restoring our volunteer services.
Prison Churches
College level school of ministry affiliated with Christian Life Educators Network, Columbus GA. Currently inactive.
Patmos Christian Academy (2017)
Christian Fellowship Support Groups
Support Groups for released inmates & family members, St. Albans, Burlington and Chester, VT.
Serving Churches & Ministries in New England & beyond with Safe Sanctuary training for churches and ministries working with released inmates. Also, at times assisting churches dealing with issues related to sexual/violent offenders & offences.
Training Seminars / Workshops
First Avenue Ministries, Chester VT serving SSCF; New Creations Christian Fellowship, St Albans VT serving ex-inmates in Franklin County; Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship, Burlington, VT. (Explanation of ministry and persons involved in “About Us”)
Affiliated Prison/Aftercare Ministries
Annual Prison/Aftercare Ministry Conference
CAP has sponsored Annual State Conferences since 1995. The 2020 Conference was cancelled due to the pandemic. We held a Zoom event on November 12, 2020 titled “First Volunteer and Aftercare Ministry Conference Zoom Event” with Special Speaker Apostle Dennis Wiedrick from Divine Exchange. With the end of the pandemic and opening of prison doors to volunteers, we plan to hold Annual Conferences again soon.
Watch Safe Sanctuary, an excerpt from Amazing Grace below:
“Our church gratefully commends the ministry of Pete and Joanne Fiske.
They have provided wise counsel to us in the form of a Saturday workshop, Pastor-to-Pastor consultation, and counseling for a sex offender and his family. We appreciate their years of fruitful experience and a manner that is gracious but no nonsense. They have given of themselves unstintingly to help us work through thorny issues and to make our church a safe place for all. Pete and Joanne do not present superficial quick fixes, but deep principles and pathways of ministry for broken people. We would have been lost at sea without their insights. We look forward to a continuing ministry relationship with the Fiskes, and we encourage other churches to make use of this ministry that comes as a timely and much needed gift from the Lord to His body.”
- Pastor Bernie Powel
NLC is a managed non-profit construction and painting company owned by The Church At Prison, Inc. Established in 2016 by Pastor Pete Fiske, it became an LLC in 2018 and has grown to incorporate partner/manager Armand Morel (Morel Construction LLC), other long-term employees, and various workers.
NLC provides employment and career opportunities for skilled and unskilled ex-convicts seeking a New Life! The company provides occupational training, character building and employment opportunities for those in need of a helping hand into the job market. NLC helps these men and women successfully reintegrate into Vermont’s workforce, reclaim their lives, and become productive successful members of their communities.
New Life Crew, LLC
About Us
Board of Directors
Pastors Pete & Joanne Fiske
Having trained the next generation to move forward with the ministry, Pastor Pete and Pastor Jo stepped down from working inside the prisons, and in February, 2025 relinquished their roles as officers. They still remain active as ‘emeritus’ leaders, serving on the Board and continue as Pastors within CAP. They live in Jericho at the edge of a conservation forest with their Chocolate Border Collie, Asher, and Black Maine Coon cat, Simba. Pete is promoting his book Don’t Burn My House Down, a book about God’s miracles and lessons learned over 33 years of prison ministry, which is available at https://dontburnmyhousedown.org. Pete is training Mike Diffenderfer to become the general manager of New Life Crew. He will be 81 this year and Jo will be 77. Over 18 years of ministry they have housed many released inmates, but now live only with their two fur babies.
Board of Directors Founders & Administration
In September, 1992 Pete and Agnes Fiske took over the leadership of a Sunday Church Service at Northwest State Correctional Facility (NWSCF) in St. Albans, VT. In July, 1993 Pete retired from IBM to answer God’s call into full-time prison ministry. In April, 1997 the Ministry was incorporated as “The Church At Prison.” In Nov. of 2004 Pastor Agnes Fiske passed from this life into the arms of her Lord Jesus.
In April of 2006, having met Joanne (Jo) Falise at the funeral of a prison volunteer a month earlier, Pete asked Jo out on their first date – a church service held at the NWSCF prison in St. Albans. On January 28, 2007 Pastor Pete and Jo were married at the NWSCF with inmate Pastor Fred Little officiating and inmate Elder Andy Wood giving Jo away to her beloved. Jo retired from Real Estate and began working full-time in the Church At Prison ministry, including taking over Patmos Christian Academy which continued as a satellite college of Christian Life School of Theology (featuring sixteen courses attended by students at CRCF and NWSCF.) https://www.christianlifeschooloftheologyglobal.org.
In May of 2011, Jo was licensed by Maranatha Ministerial Fellowship International (MMFI). In March of 2015, Pastors Pete and Jo were recognized for their work in prison ministry and Commissioned as Apostolic Leaders by MMFI. In 2016, Pete and Jo began praying for the Lord to bring forth those who they would disciple to become the next generation of prison ministers for the Church At NorthWest. Providentially, Josh Riggs contacted them just after Easter and soon became a volunteer, laboring beside them in the prison. This allowed Pastor Pete time to establish New Life Crew, LLC - an aftercare painting and construction work program which continues today.
In September of 2019, Pastor Jo was ordained by MMFI in recognition of the ministry she had been running at a Theological Academy for both men and women at CRCF and NWSCF. https://www.christianlifeschooloftheologyglobal.org.
There is NO SUCH THING AS RETIREMENT in God’s ministry, but as we embrace His will for our lives, we are confident in the uniquely gifted group who are taking all The Church At Prison does to a new level to bring glory to God through His Spirit. Pastor Josh as President, Tim Hurlbut as Vice President, Treasurer and faithful bookkeeper, Jason Miller as Chairman of the Board, Pastor Ann Parsons as Secretary, all leading our other anointed Board of Directors. Mike Diffenderfer, Pastor Fred Little and Eileen Beer as well as Affiliates at BCCF and NCCF, newcomer Emily Diffenderfer at CRCF, and other volunteers in prison are a prayer come true for us. God is urging and gifting the new leadership of CAP in the high calling He has for them to serve the least of these in the worlds eyes, but who are just as loved by Him as everyone else.
Thank you all for marching to His beat!
“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10).
Jason Miller
Jason Miller has over 20 years of professional leadership experience. Serving The Church At Prison has been an honor and a privilege for him, as well as eye-opening to the real needs of Vermont’s incarcerated. Jason thinks there is nothing more exciting than seeing Jesus heal lives! He also has a heart for unity within the body of Christ and a strong desire to see the body of Christ work together to manifest the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Jason is passionate about raising up and strengthening Kingdom leaders and celebrating the redemptive work of God's healing hand. A native Vermonter, Jason lives with his wife and two sons in Shelburne, VT.
Board of Directors Chairman & Treasurer
Pastor Joshua Riggs
Board of Directors President & Senior Pastor for Inside Prison Ministry
Pastor Josh has been active in prison ministry since 2016. In pursuit of his deep love for Jesus, he answered the calling of God to fellowship with the incarcerated men and women of Vermont. This led him to his spiritual parents, Pastors Pete and Jo Fiske and The Church at Northwest, where he joined in church fellowship, pastoral counseling, and bible study. In 2018 he became the Sr. Pastor of The Church at Northwest and in 2022 fulfilled the same role at The Church at Chittenden Regional.
In addition to ministering church services inside of prison, he also provides free pastoral counseling to anyone who has been incarcerated. His heart overflows with the love of ministering the transformative gospel of Jesus Christ to those in and out of prison. Josh is captivated with the divine simplicity of loving all people and encouraging the spiritual gifts God has given them. For Pastor Josh, to understand the true meaning of righteousness in Christ is to understand the true meaning of why we live and who we live for.
On December 16th of 2018 Josh was licensed by The Church At Prison and installed as Associate Pastor of The Church at Northwest at NWSCF in St. Albans VT. After an encounter with the Holy Spirit one week before Good Friday in 2016, Josh was transformed into a devout follower of Jesus Christ. His heart is overwhelmed with the love of ministering the transformative gospel of Jesus Christ to those in the darkest, most marginalized places in the world.
Tim Hurlbut
Tim met Pastors Pete and Jo at Ignite Church in March of 2019 and approached them to join the CAP prison volunteer team at NWSCF in St. Albans. He has since become a prison volunteer and an active participant in the Sunday night Church and Monday night Bible Study (until the pandemic). Tim became a Board member for CAP in April 2020, took over CAP accounting as Bookkeeper after Pastor Herb’s retirement, and serves as Treasurer on the Board of Directors. In 2023 Tim began going to Newport Prison to serve the inmates there, at first with Apostle Rick Menard and then on his own. Tim works exuberantly with released inmates in St. Albans as needed.
Board of Directors Vice President & Bookkeeper
Tim Hurlbut was born in St. Albans, VT in 1962. He has been married to his wife Lucy for 32 years and has 3 children and 2 grandchildren. Tim has worked at IBM/Global Foundries for 32 years. He received Jesus on 11/6/1981 at Ramstein AB in Germany while in the Air Force. Tim has studied with the School of Biblical Studies, is a free two-year Bible School.
See www.jesusexperience.com.
Tim participates in the Body of Christ at the Church of the Rock, where he is an active member of the Ushering team and participates in the “Helps ministry” church services. He is gifted in areas of service, giving and teaching. He has given to the direct needs of ex-inmates and to CAP directly for their purposes.
Ann Parsons
Pastor Ann Parsons has been a member of CAP since 2011. She was licensed as a Pastor by CAP in 2016 and ministers with her husband, Pastor Matt Parsons, at New Creation Christian Fellowship (NCCF), held at Turning Point in St. Albans on Friday evenings from 7-9. She was honored to accept the position of CAP secretary on Feb. 8, 2025.
NCCF now sees a variety of people, including homeless folks who learn about the love of Jesus. Ann recently retired from 30 years as a pediatric physical therapist for Home Health. Much of her time is blessed by her 8 grandchildren, bringing her 91 year-old mother-in-law to medical appointments, and adventuring by bike, kayak or foot with her husband. God has whispered to her to be very mindful of each and every appointment that He entrusts her with.
Pastor Fred Little
Pastor Fred Little is Sr. Pastor of Huntington Community Church and a member of the CAP Board of Directors. He also works at Rhino Foods in South Burlington and is married to Dragica Little. Pastor Fred was the first Vermont inmate to be ordained as Pastor of a congregation, The Church At NorthWest, while incarcerated. He contributes expertise and inspiration as an ex-inmate who navigated the system well.
Pastor & Board of Directors Member
Pastor Fred became an active ministry member of the Church at Northwest in 1995, and in 2000 was licensed as Associate Pastor. During the period of his licensure, Pastor Fred served as a teacher and registrar with Patmos Christian Academy where he earned an associate degree in biblical studies, preached regularly, facilitated baptism ceremonies, counseled, and co-facilitated memorial services.
Pastor Fred was ordained as a minister of the Gospel by the Maranatha Ministerial Fellowship, International in November of 2004 and continued serving the Church at Northwest as the Senior Pastor until he was released from the Northwest State Correctional Facility in July of 2008, after serving 13.5 years of incarceration. His credentials were transferred to The Church At Prison and remain valid to date.
Pastor Fred served on staff with the Church At Prison as pastor for New Creation Christian Fellowship—a home fellowship support group that helps people directly affected by incarceration—until he married Dragica Little and moved to Burlington. Pastors Matt and Ann Parsons now head that ministry in St. Albans.
Guy Page
Guy Page and his wife Colette have both served on the CAP Board of Directors for many years. Currently Guy is in his 2nd three-year term as a director. His wife Colette was Chairman of the Board for many years and served as a prison volunteer with the CAP team at NWSCF for a few years. He contributes much needed and significant wisdom and creative ideas as well as political knowledge to the Board. Guy publishes The Vermont Daily Chronicle, through Page Communications an online news and commentary about Vermont state government and policy. https://vermontdailychronicle.com/
Board of Directors Member
Editor and publisher, Guy Page is a Vermont native, a Berlin resident, and 1979 University of Vermont graduate. He has 43 years’ experience as a journalist, government affairs professional, and lobbyist. After graduating from the University of Vermont in 1979, he began his journalism career as an intern reporter at The Burlington Free Press. He also worked at the St. Albans Messenger and The News & Citizen in Morrisville. He founded The Winooski Eagle and The North Avenue News. From 1988-2002 he published The Colchester Chronicle, a community newspaper.
His public affairs advocacy included the Vermont Energy Partnership, Divestment Facts, the Vermont Lung Association, Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Vermont, the Church at Prison, Physicians, Families and Friends for a Better Vermont, and the Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare. He is an occasional guest host for the Ethan Allen Institute’s “Common Sense.”
Mike Diffenderfer
Mike Diffenderffer is a Vermont business entrepreneur, owner of Diff Enterprises, who contributes business management and insight, creative ideas, and a plethora of knowledge in the trades—and brings an optimistic “Can Do” attitude to CAP. He has been a regular prison volunteer at NWSCF with CAP who always invokes smiles as well as tears of repentance in the inmates through his guitar playing and prophetic avant-garde singing. “More, Mike! More!” the men would plead.
Board of Directors Member
Mike has a humble “realness” garnered through years of dynamic life experience and worldwide travel that is healing and infectious. He and his wife Emily ran a support and Bible Worship group replete with a potluck for many years at their large, renovated country farmhouse in Underhill, VT—welcoming ex-inmates and CAP team members alike. Mike has helped transport released inmates and been a willing participant in many CAP endeavors.
Mike and Emily have three teenagers, a daughter serving at Ywam, and a daughter and son at home. Mike and Emily have transformed their farmhouse into a gracious and lovely home and renovated a large chicken barn into three apartment homes with a commercial space on the first floor. Mike continues to serve in the prison when needed, helps released persons, and is an active member of the Underhill community.
Emily Diffenderfer
Women’s Prison Volunteer - Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility
Emily Diffenderffer is known by her family, friends (and even strangers) for having a patient and compassionate heart. Having experienced her own challenges, life has taught her to see past people's problems to the treasure that they are, and inspired her with the ability to encourage them to be just that. She and her husband Michael live in Underhill, where they raised three children. She loves working in the garden, animals, traveling, and being out in nature. She works part time as a substitute teacher and postal worker. She is grateful to embark on the adventure of volunteering in the women's Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility (CRCF) in 2025. All of her life experiences as well as her genuinely loving (tough when needed) nature, her adoration for God and knowledge of His word make her a natural for prison ministry to the women in VT’s correctional system and for aftercare as well. Another Momma bear joins the CAP team!
Affiliate Ministries & Volunteers
First Avenue Ministries
Rev. John and Betty Nunnikhoven were very active in prison ministry at Southern Regional Correctional Facility (SRCF) (and Windsor Prison before it closed) since August 2005, working with inmates and ex-inmates. They mentored released individuals, assisting in their transition to life on the outside. It is with both great sadness for our loss and great rejoicing for our brother that we write that Rev. John Nunnikhoven went home to Glory at 4:14am on April 1, 2024, the day after resurrection day.
Rev. John and Betty Nunnikhoven
John and Betty had been in the process of seeking the Lord for whoever He has ordained to take over once they needed to retire from inside-prison ministry. In the meantime, Scott and Mona Frye (see below) continued to provide worship and discussion for their services at SRCF for a time until they moved to New Hampshire. John and Alta Ludlam are not associated with CAP but continue to provide worship services and Bible Studies at SRCF.
John was ordained by The Church At Prison, and both he and Betty were installed as ministers to the prison congregations in SESCF (Windsor – closed in 2017) and SSCF (Springfield). John was a Commissioned Centurion, an intensive program developed by Prison Fellowship Ministries to teach Biblical Worldview. He has published 3 books and was a member of the Fellowship of Ailbe, dedicated to applying tenets of Celtic Christianity to today's Church. He served on several local boards in southern Windsor County and met via zoom daily in an evening prayer group of members of the Fellowship of Ailbe to seek the Lord for revival.
John and Betty are former innkeepers in Weston, Vermont and had extensive careers in industry and real estate in Illinois, New Mexico, Connecticut, New Jersey and Virginia. They have resided in Vermont since 1979. Our dear Betty still resides in their home in Chester, VT but has been traveling to visit relatives regularly. We continue to pray for her earthly loss but know her faith is strong.
“And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet.
I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.” John 13:14-15
The Fellowship of Ailbe, "Realizing the presence, promise and power of the Kingdom of God"
Scott and Mona Frye moved from VT to the NH Lakes Region but had served the Lord through Praise and Worship together for since they married, for 17 years. They led worship and gave inspirational messages with Rev. John and Betty Nunnikhoven of First Avenue Ministries each week at Southern States Correctional Facility. Both play by ear and played in their high school bands, and Mona learned to play the “Chord Method" during her senior year. Their time in the music ministry spans 35 years. They are creatives and self-employed empty nesters whose blended family consists of 7 adult children and their spouses, along with 13 grandchildren residing from Burlington, VT to Manchester, NH. They are greatly missed both inside and outside the razor walls.
Pastors Matt and Ann Parsons
New Creation Christian Fellowship, Franklin County
Pastors Matt and Ann Parsons currently facilitate and run New Creations Christian Fellowship Franklin County at The Turning Point in St. Albans, VT on 182 Lake Street (as an affiliate of The Church At Prison). They meet Friday evening 7-9 p.m. and hold other various activities.
Matt became involved with CAP by volunteering for a Kairos weekend at his former church in 2001. During the training session Matt encountered a personal tragedy in which many church volunteers ministered to him. Still hurting, Matt went into the weekend with very little to give. As God would have it, Matt received so much more than he could ever give. Pastor Fred Little prayed over Matt and a veil of darkness was lifted from his eyes. Scripture began to make sense! God was speaking to Matt through the Word and he was comforted, strengthened and guided by it.
Impressed by the men in prison who were set free on the inside and lived in “close community”, Matt began to volunteer at church on Sunday nights. The greatest thing Matt learned while serving was the importance of forgiveness and the power it gives.
CAP became a staple in Matt's growth from 2001 until the change in population at NWSCF in 2008. During those early years Matt became involved with a home fellowship led by Pastor Roger Patno and his wife Joyce. It turns out that God was using these two ministries to prepare Matt for continuing the ministry of NCCF. Matt and his wife Ann were married in 2011 and have served together ever since. Matt and Ann continue to grow as they serve CAP and NCCF as the spirit leads.
Tom Millington
Co-Facilitator at Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship
Tom Millington comes from a generational Christian Background. Born and raised in the Protestant faith, Tom received Jesus at age 11, whereby “Jesus is Lord” (1 Corinthians 12:3). A ten-year lapse of actively pursuing God after high school led to a life of despair. God, in His rich mercies, rejuvenated Tom’s faith, which has flourished ever since, and firmly established love for all people in his heart: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). It’s no surprise that when Tom met Pastor Pete he soon began going into prison at NWSCF to share his heart for Jesus. He is presently participating in Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship Ministry in Burlington, helping others to be grounded in their faith.
Tom has an Associate degree from Champlain College in business. His career background includes creating an unarmed Security business, a tent renting business/ministry for weddings and graduations, and residential home construction/handyman. Pastimes include bicycling, aviation, music (plays trumpet/baritone), and one-off creations.
Tom has connections with the indigenous Indians as Ambassador of the Algonquin Wabanaki Nation of Turtle Island (2003-2011), and still promotes their healing of centuries of mistreatment. Tom was given vision for Jesus’ Holy Nation (1 Peter 2:9-10) in 2002 and has been continuously developing this creative ministry. He is a lifetime member of Pilot’s for Christ International.
Tom has actively participated in sharing of the Gospel at the ministry’s Booth during the Experimental Aircraft Association Air Adventure, “Oshkosh”. He has also participated in three 4-day outreach events in South Carolina Prisons with the Mennonite Gospel Express Ministries. Tom has been to Israel twice and is a ministry partner with Dr. Michael Evan’s Jerusalem Prayer Team, working towards “The Peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6).
Jim Wilkinson & Barbara Manchester Wilkinson
Co-Facilitators at Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship
In 2019 Jim Wilkinson and Tom Millington began meeting at Jim’s house for a Bible study. At that time Jim was asked to by authorities to help with daily living assistance for Bill who he knew from the streets and who also wanted to know more about faith in Jesus. They met at various places and eventually the study moved to Bill’s place. The study grew and flourished, and they soon saw the need to meet in a bigger place.
In the Summer of 2020 the Lord worked on the hearts of several people to formalize the ministry under the name Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship (BCCF). Turning Point of Burlington invited BCCF to hold their weekly fellowship meetings there. It grew into both a Bible Study and a breakfast with New Moon Catering at 150 Cherry Street began providing the food as an outreach under CAP. BCCF became an official Affiliate of CAP so they could have a 501c3 covering and a bookkeeper to help manage donations, etc.
In 2021, Jim was blessed with an incredible gift from God, his wife Barbara, who was seeking a ministry and discovered BCCF. Barbara’s heart’s desire is to serve as a disciple of God. She is an excellent teacher of the God’s Word and supports whoever God puts in her path. She serves at Turning Point Tuesdays for BCCF Bible Study, and both she and Jim minister at their church, to UVM Students—and at North Beach and City Hall Park where they offer burgers and hot dogs and hand out tracts and pocket Bibles. Jim also helps transport ex-inmates for CAP, including moving people. Jim & Barbara love walking the streets of Burlington handing out bags filled with treats and tracts. It is a joy to give the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Lord puts in their path. Jim moved to Vermont in 2004 and surrendered his will to God. He began to serve the Lord in a few churches and various endeavors. He met Pastors Pete and Joanne in 2008 and developed a relationship with them while continuing to grow in his faith. He became a regular attendee of Vibrant Church (Community Bible Church) and began to video church services while also helping with Bible Studies. Jim also began to minister to the inmates at Northwest State Correctional Facility alongside Pastors Pete, Joanne and Josh Riggs.
During the pandemic Jim and Barbara applied to become Bible Study volunteers to the women’s prison at Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility—which they pray will be approved in 2023. In addition to providing worship services, they also see a deep need for healthy Christian couples to demonstrate the value of marriage and parents who live a Biblical lifestyle in a home committed to Jesus. Most of the broken people behind the razor wires have never experienced that. Following in the footsteps of Pastors Pete and Joanne, they hope to continue to provide a living example of God’s divine marriage.
Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship Mission Statement
Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship, an affiliate ministry of the Church at Prison, is a frontline evangelical street ministry dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with any and all we come into contact with, but most especially with ex-inmates, the homeless, and those with alcohol and drug and other addictions. Our goal is to share Jesus Christ who is, “The way, the truth and the life” by coming alongside and walking with people “out of darkness and the shadow of death” and by so doing to “break away their chains” and lead them on the path to eternal life in Christ Jesus. Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship fully proclaims the gospel of Christ as the Apostle Paul did in Romans 15:17-19 “by word and deed,” “by the power of signs and wonders” and “by the power of the Spirit of God.” We come together as the Believers did in Acts 2:42-43 to devote ourselves to “the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer,” and in so doing we are in awe of how the Lord works wonders and presents signs through the group.
“He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke away their chains.” Psalm 107:14
“Jesus answered, 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6

“I am so in love with the Lord Jesus I can't begin to tell you the feeling I have inside! I still have a long way to go, but I'm not afraid anymore—I know he is with me! I miss you (Jo) and Pete, ... if not for your love and guidance I wouldn't have found my way home to the Lord! You never gave up on me and I am eternally grateful. I love you both so much!”
- Norajean

Make a donation.
Church At Prison is always looking for churches, individuals and businesses willing to provide regular financial support and/or hands-on help. For more information on how you can help, please call us at (802) 899-1437.
To make a direct donation please click the donate button or send a check to:
The Church at Prison, Inc. PO Box 8318 Essex Junction, VT 05452
The Church At Prison
PO Box 8318
Essex Jct. VT 05452
(802) 899-1437
Serving the men and women affected by incarceration, and their families, since 1992.
Incorporated Non-profit (501 c3) Church
Founder, President & Director pastorpete@churchatprison.com pete@newlifecrew.org (802) 999-2368
Pastor Pete Fiske
Vice President, Administrative Assistant & Director pastorjo@churchatprison.com (802) 999-7070
Pastor Joanne Reed Fiske
Chairperson of the Board of Directors jmillervt@gmail.com (802) 316-6376
Jason Miller
Senior Pastor Church At NorthWest, Secretary & Director brotherjosh@churchatprison.com (802) 338-8509
Pastor Joshua Riggs
Director & Vermont Daily Chronicle Newsclips@msn.com (802) 505-0448
Guy Page
Director & Senior Pastor Huntington Community Christian Church pastorfredlittle@gmail.com (802) 777-8840
Fred Little
New Creations Christian Fellowship Franklin County Hotshoe11@gmail.com (802) 782-0453 annwrightp@yahoo.com (802) 782-4002
Pastors Matt & Ann Parsons
Director & Bookkeeper timcap2021@gmail.com (802) 393-0806
Tim Hurlbut
Director & Diff Enterprises m@diff.ws (203) 444-4766
Michael Diffenderfer
Eileen Beer
Director & New Moon/150 Cherry St Ministries
Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship breakingchainscf@yahoo.com (802) 310-0729
Rev. Marcus Szczecinski
1st Avenue Ministries John4ns@outlook.com (802) 379-5979 betty4ns@fastmail.fm (802) 692-0836
Rev. John & Betty Nunnikhoven
Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship spirit@JesusHN.Life (802) 417-6360
Tom Millington
Breaking Chains Christian Fellowship Wilkinsonjim914@gmail.com (802) 363-7706 barbmanchester66@gmail.com (802) 324-1566
Jim & Barbara Wilkinson
Armand Morel
Work Crew Manager New Life Crew morelconstruction@gmail.com (802) 343-5932